Create Windows Virtual Machine On Azure
Step by step guide how to create a virtual machine on Microsoft Azure.
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is safe.
In this article, we are going to see how to create a Windows virtual machine in Azure. This article is a part of the series. To understand what is virtual service on Azure please go through this article. So let's dive in.
To create windows virtual machine you can either click on create a resource with the plus button,
and click on Compute and Click on Virtual Machine.
Or you could search for the virtual machine in the search bar. And from there you can create windows virtual machines or any other virtual machines you like, but in this article, we are focusing on Windows virtual machines
So there are different ways that you can go about the creation of an Azure virtual machine, so let's go and create a new window virtual machine. So I am going to click on the plus button and choose the virtual machine and then So over here, you are now, presented with a wizard that will help with the process of creating a virtual machine. This is the kind of questionnaire I feel. So let us go and do it step by step. So here we have different categories that we have to fill up to create the machine.
So let us complete the Basic category.
Choose your subscription.
So I already have a subscription and this is used for billing purposes. Now choose a resource group and if you don't have one then you'll always have the option for creating a new one by clicking the new button over here.
So why the resource group?
The resource group is used for the logical grouping of resources.
Give a name for the machine.
You have to give a name for the machine, so I am giving it as a demo VM.
Now decide the location.
You have to decide what is the region or location for the virtual machine because.
Azure has a lot of regions across the world that you can choose for your resources. And this is to get the least latency for data transfer and other factors. There are restrictions in Azure for regions for example if you're using an Azure free account you might not be able to choose a virtual machine.
Choose availability.
I am going to choose no infrastructure redundancy required which is the default.
Choose Image.
This will be the OS for your virtual machine so I am choosing Windows server 2019 data center but if you want to choose something else you can browse for public and private images.
Now, it will assign me the size which is standard underscore D2 under scope V2. That means it will allocate me two virtual CPUs, 7GB of RAM but if you want to change the size you can.
So based on this size configuration, it's going to allocate two virtual CPUs and seven gigs of memory. So you can see an estimated cost per month. Now, if you want to go out and change the size of the machine, you can go out and click on see all sizes and it will show you the no of CPU, Size of the RAM, and estimated cost per month so choose whichever is suitable for you and I'm going to leave it default.
Give user name and password.
Next, we need to go out and give what is the username and password. This is for the administrator login. now enter the password and there are some restrictions for the password. So you have to ensure that it has at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, you know, one number, or one special character.
Inbound port rules.
I will leave it to default. What this port rule will do is that it will actually go ahead and allow us to connect or RDP into the instance.
Now, I'll go on the next for the disk. This is the underlying disk or the volumes that will be attached to the machine. Now, by default, it is assigning me a disk of standard SSD and this will be the OS disk. So this is going to be the OS volume.
By default, this wizard will also create a New Azure virtual network. So if you don't have a virtual network it'll create a new virtual network, because VM needs to be part of a will create a new subnet within the virtual network a public IP address.
Why public IP?
This allows connectivity to this machine from the Internet. Again, let me go ahead and leave everything as it is.
Click on the Next for Management and leave everything as it is and for now leave everything as it is.
Click on the Next for Advance and leave everything as it is and for now, leave everything as it is.
Click on the Next for Tages and assign tags.
Click Next for Review and Create.
So over here you can review all of the settings you're specifying for the creation of the virtual machine. over here the important thing to note is that what you are going to be charged per hour And if everything is OK, we create.
Now, this might take around four to five minutes. You will see deployment is in progress.
After some time you will see the below screen and that confirms that deployment is successful and the virtual machine is ready and along with this you will also get a notification.
Now if you will click Go to resource button then you will see the list of the virtual machines.
That's it for this article. So in this article, we learned how to create the virtual machine on Azure. Next, we will see how to connect and use the virtual machine.